Thursday, July 9, 2009


Due to government restrictions, Pam and Craig cannot post to their blog about their travels in china. You can email them at and they will any emails they receive. I will also try to post on her blog any big updates she emails me.


Adam Cornwall

Here is the last email update Mom gave us:

July 5, 2009

Today we are so excited to be returning to YangShuo, we plan to take many pictures with our shiny, new camera.

Memories have already formed from our days in YangShuo; waking in the morning, sitting on our balcony watching the town wake up. 7:30 come and we go to our favorite restaurant for breakfast, I order a delicious fresh fruit bowl covered with plain yogurt. What fruit will it be today? I hope it will be crisp, sweet watermelon, ripe bananas, crunchy, Asian pears. Ah –it is. I ordered French toast – perfect!

A woman approaches, I look away. No, I don’t need a fan, postcards, an umbrella or a hat. Craig has to be stern and no – they won’t listen to me.

We now turn our attention to the vendors opening for business. It reminds us of a Chinese version of the opening of “My Fair Lady”; one by one they come. The bicycle rental across the street starts first. The boy comes out, takes the tarp off a long string of bikes, then he unlocks the chain and pulls it through each of the ancient bikes’ spokes, clattering at each stop. Are these bikes as ancient as they seem? Surely those for tourists look better. Everyone rides a bike that looks about 50 years old.

Next I hear the clanking sound of metal doors being raised upward to reveal a small store selling what? Fake Rolex watches, silk scarves, small, colorful toys, mah jong sets, Nike shoes, shirts, skirts and hats.

Now come the small stores opening to sell food. As the school children stroll through town arm in arm they are armed with sticky buns filled with some interesting combination of meat and vegetables.

Ladies with brooms made from sticks sweep the streets. Motor bikes, Vespas piled high with anything you can imagine; newspapers, fruit, a side of pork, people at least 2 sometimes 3. Small children stand in front of their parent while riding along the street on the Vespa. Obviously there are no helmet laws.

Lastly, the tourists fill the gaps, the sounds of halloo, you buy, how much you pay, fill the air. The day is in full swing and we are ready to join them.

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